Here at Bowman Family Services we believe that healthy nutrition is essential for good mental health.  Your overall health and well-being is undoubtedly affected by what you eat and we strongly encourage you to take a look at your daily eating habits with yourself and your family.  If you need additional assistance with determining what you and your family can do to improve your overall nutrition, do not hesitate to contact our Professional Wellness Coach, Barry Seneri, to schedule one of the following to get you started:

Personalized Wellness Coaching

The purpose of the “Wellness Coaching” is to put you and your child/children on the right path as it pertains to healthier lifestyle choices. Upon scheduling your appointment you will receive an email with a detailed questionnaire. Your job is to fill this out ahead of time and bring it with you to the appointment. Together we will take a look at what the health environment looks like for your child/children and the rest of the family. I will take into account the following: sleep, digestion, hydration levels, the foods you eat, brands you buy, personal care & cleaning products you use, & other important factors that have a direct impact on your health either negatively or positively. I will then use this valuable information to map out and walk you through a detailed game plan of implementation to optimize the overall health of your family. We will discuss specific strategies in each category to help turn this into a lifetime journey of healthy living and not just a quick temporary fix. You will also be provided a recipe book to help you create healthy tasty meals. Healthy food can actually taste great! This “Wellness Coaching” session can take up to 90 minutes, so plan accordingly. I believe that when we are able to maximize our health we can more readily carry out our purpose on this earth.


Healthy Grocery Store Tour

The “Healthy Grocery Store Tour” is designed to help you better understand how to shop and develop shopping habits that support creating a healthier lifestyle for your family. While we walk through the store I will educate you on how to properly read labels to reduce your family’s exposure to toxic chemicals (GMO’s, Preservatives, Artificial Colors & Sweeteners, MSG, Hormones, Antibiotics, & Other Damaging Additives) that may be having a negative health impact. We will look at how labels can be very misleading and how to properly identify these culprits. I will coach you in how to buy healthier food without breaking the budget. We will discuss food quality and find the best brands to purchase. The highest price doesn’t always mean better product! Most importantly I will help you in finding kid friendly items that can be used as snacks, lunches, & dinners to help you feel better about what is going into their body. This “Healthy Grocery Store Tour” will take about 90 minute of time and will come with a detailed e-guide for further reading and education. What is in the fridge and cabinets will determine whether our family can achieve health success or not. Let’s play to win!


Personalized Nutrition Coaching

$150 for wellness consultation, program layout, & recipe guide

$60 for follow-ups (If needed as it is case specific)


Healthy Grocery Store Tours

$150 for Personal or Couple Tour (90-minute tour + e-guidebook)

$25 per person for Group Tour of 6+ (90-minute tour + e-guidebook)


Total Health Transformation Package


(1) Wellness consultation, program layout, & recipe book

(2) Follow-ups

(1) Healthy Grocery Store Tour


To Book a Nutrition Session, please email us at