Shew! After meeting with a nutritionist recently, I began to actually carefully read the labels on all of the foods I have been buying for myself and my family and am blow away by what I have been eating. High Fructose Corn Syrup, Maltodextrin, Monosodium Glutamate, xanthan gum, vegetable oils, Yellow and Red dye number whatever, caramel color, soy lecithin, and so many other ingredients and additives are all of the foods I have been inviting into my home for years!

I know I have been told for years to eat only foods that are natural (grown from the earth), but it just all of the sudden hit me when I REALLY started reading labels word for word. Now, as I am walking through the grocery store trying to determine the right foods to purchase, I realize I have been suckered into regularly buying all of the foods that are so fake and damage my health. No more! I am now reading all of the ingredients on a food label, and if I don’t know what it is, I am not going to purchase it regularly. That has changed everything I eat.

Do you know what is in a can of pumpkin? Pumpkin, that’s it, just pumkin! Do you know what is in a box of raisins? Raisins! Crazy, huh? There are few products on the shelves that have just the natural ingredient in it so now when I come across them, I am amazed.

As hard as it is, I have changed the way I shop forever! Interestingly enough, I have already noticed improved focus and decreased irritability in my oldest son, who struggles with focus and concentration, and honestly in myself too. There is no doubt in my mind that a cleaner, healthier, more natural diet, free of a gazillion additives and ingredients does help improve mood, and increase focus. I challenge you to put on a new set of glasses the next time you enter the store and read the label of everything you choose, I promise you if you do that, you will want to change.